4 Important Considerations When Choosing a Residential Lift

Residential elevators are ideal for improving the quality of life for family members with mobility disabilities and general physical limitations. In addition, the feature is a practical addition in terms of home improvement and can increase the value of your property significantly if you decide to resell. There are different types and models of lifts in the market so the selection and purchase process can be daunting.

Here are some practical considerations to help you choose the perfect home lift.

Elevator Size

The size of the residential lift is an important factor because it will affect the general functionality and expediency. You should evaluate the long-term requirements as opposed to the immediate mobility needs. For example, if you install a lift only suited for a person using a walker, the feature will be useless when the mobility device changes.

Ideally, it is advisable to choose an elevator that can comfortably accommodate a wheelchair and a caregiver. In addition, inquire about weight estimates for typical wheelchairs and compare with the maximum weight rating for preferred elevators.

Compliance with Legal Standards

You should choose a residential lift which complies with all relevant legal standards to ensure safety and avoid legal penalties. The primary standards and regulations related to elevators are outlined in the Australian Standard AS 1735 as well as the Building Code of Australia. The information provided is relatively technical so you may not understand all the minute details. You can eliminate the risk of purchasing sub-standard products by choosing reputable and licensed lift suppliers.


The lift will be a prominent feature in the property after elevator installation so you should ensure that it is not an eyesore. It should blend or even complement the design and aesthetics of your residential building. You should choose elevators which can be hidden behind walls if you do not want to alter the appearance of your home significantly. If it must be exposed or is in a central location, request your supplier or manufacturer for a customisable model. Most companies will give you an opportunity to choose preferred colors and make some small design changes.


The installation requirements for residential lifts can vary widely therefore you should evaluate this factor before purchase. Some elevators will require partial demolition and remodeling during installation. For example, if the lift requires a hydraulic operating system, you will have to excavate a pit to set up pistons and other features. This will incur additional costs so purchase a model which can conform to your building.
